An open field,
A wide blue sky,
A sunny breeze,
And a kite to fly.
Feet running,
Hands holding string–
The best way to say:
“I missed you, spring.”
Learning Objective: Students will identify how the poet uses descriptive details to explain her favorite way to enjoy spring.
The Best Way
An open field,
A wide blue sky,
A sunny breeze,
And a kite to fly.
Feet running,
Hands holding string–
The best way to say:
“I missed you, spring.”
Reprinted by permission of THE POET. All Rights Reserved.
1. Preparing to Read
Set a Purpose for Reading
Explain that the poem contains two stanzas of four lines each. The second and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme.
2. Reading and Discussing the Poem
Read the poem to the class, play the audio Read-Aloud, or use Text-to-Speech.
Next ask students to take turns reading aloud each line in the poem.
Close-Reading Questions
3. Skill Building
Featured Skill: Poetry Writing
Distribute or digitally assign our Poetry Writing Skill Builder and have students complete it in class or for homework.