Dana Sanmar

The Best Way

By Beverly McLoughland
From the March/April 2025 Issue

Learning Objective: Students will identify how the poet uses descriptive details to explain her favorite way to enjoy spring.

Other Key Skills: rhyme, main idea, supporting details, interpreting text, explanatory writing
Think & Write

POETRY WRITING  Explore how the poet uses details to describe her favorite activity during spring. Then celebrate National Poetry Month by writing a seasonal poem of your own!

The Best Way

An open field,

A wide blue sky, 

A sunny breeze,

And a kite to fly.

Feet running,

Hands holding string–

The best way to say:

“I missed you, spring.”

Reprinted by permission of THE POET. All Rights Reserved.

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Step-by-Step Lesson Plan

1. Preparing to Read

Set a Purpose for Reading

  • Read the title of the poem along with the poet’s name. Ask students to describe the illustration and predict what the poem will be about. Review the predictions after reading the poem.
  • Explain that the poem contains two stanzas of four lines each. The second and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme.

2. Reading and Discussing the Poem

  • Read the poem to the class, play the audio Read-Aloud, or use Text-to-Speech.

  • Next ask students to take turns reading aloud each line in the poem.

  • Discuss the Close-Reading Questions.

Close-Reading Questions

  • Read the poem. Which words rhyme in each stanza or group of lines? The rhyming words in each stanza are sky, fly and string, spring. (rhyme)
  • What favorite activity does the poet describe in the first stanza? The favorite activity that the poet describes is flying a kite. (main idea)
  • What details describe what the sky looks like and what the weather is like as the poet flies her kite? The details the poet uses to describe the sky are wide and blue. She describes the weather as having a sunny breeze. (supporting details)
  • In the second stanza what details does the poet use to describe what she is doing as she flies her kite? The poet says, “Feet running, Hands holding string.” (supporting details)
  • In the last stanza, why do you think the poet says, “The best way to say: ‘I missed you, spring’”? Answers will vary. Sample response: The poet says this because by flying a kite, she is welcoming back spring. She is showing how much she missed being outside on a sunny, breezy spring day. (interpreting text, main idea)
  • How does the illustration help you understand what is happening in the poem? Answers will vary. Sample response: In the illustration, a child holds a kite in an open field on a sunny spring day. Spring flowers, butterflies, and a rabbit are there. It looks like a beautiful day. (text features) 
  • Do you think “The Best Way” is a good title for this poem? Why or why not? Answers will vary. Sample response: I think “The Best Way” is a good title for this poem because the author thinks the best way to welcome back her favorite season is by flying a kite. (text features)

3. Skill Building

Featured Skill: Poetry Writing

Distribute or digitally assign our Poetry Writing Skill Builder and have students complete it in class or for homework.
