It’s midnight. A group of kids climb out of their beds. They strap on headlamps. Then they head out on their surprising mission.
They’re getting up to save . . . birds.
These kids live on the island of Iceland. Iceland is more than 3,000 miles from the U.S. It is home to unique birds called puffins. These seabirds have white bellies, bright-orange webbed feet, and rainbow-colored beaks. But puffins are in trouble: The number in Iceland has dropped by nearly 3 million.
Part of the reason? Newborn puffins should fly toward the glow of the moon. This will bring them to the sea. Instead, many get confused and fly toward bright lights in town. That’s dangerous. They may get hit by a car or eaten by a cat prowling the streets.
This is where the Puffin Patrol comes in.