Your students won’t want to miss this 1-minute video of LiLou the therapy pig in action! This video shows LiLou and her owner interacting with passengers at the San Francisco International Airport.
Why Is This Pig at the Airport?
LiLou isn’t getting on a plane. She’s there to help travelers.
This story from our October/November 2017 issue will help your students understand how Kevin, a child with autism, benefits from equine therapy.
LiLou’s on Instagram! You can find her latest airport schedule and adorable photos. (PS: She has more than 20,000 followers!)
Share with your students this 2-minute video from “Inside Edition” about Daniel the Duck, who provides emotional support to his owner and travels with her everywhere, including on airplanes. Not everyone is “on board” with this idea, as you’ll see in the video. It could spark an interesting class discussion!
Help kids understand that not all animals are suited to work as therapy animals. For a simple explanation of what it takes to become a therapy dog, share this brief article from The Alliance of Therapy Dogs.