
Who Owns a Monkey Selfie?

It’s a question we never thought to ask.

From the March / April 2018 Issue
Topics: Animals,
Can't Miss Teaching Extras
Crested Black Macaque

To see the crested black macaque in action, check out this video from BBC. Please note that the video includes shots of a dead bat at the 3:05 mark—we suggest you pre-screen it to make sure it’s appropriate for your students.

Nature Photography

Check out some of David J Slater’s other stunning nature photography on his website!

Class Discussion

This short piece opens a lot of doors to interesting class discussions! Ask your students: Do you think your pet likes getting its photo taken? Do you always like getting your photo taken? How would you feel if you took a selfie and someone made money from it?

Another Endangered Macaque

Naruto is a crested macaque—one of 22 different types of macaques. Check out this fact-packed, simple infographic about the Barbary macaque, which lives in Northern Africa, and is also endangered. 
