Editorial Calendar
Editorial Calendar
Take a look at some of the most exciting stories we have planned for 2022-2023. Each one comes with a package of powerful instructional resources that support standards and build key ELA skills.

Don't forget to check out our pacing guide to help you plan your year. You’ll discover how Storyworks 3. can fit into your teaching calendar as you map out the year, and as you break out your plans day by day.

For each genre, you’ll find a chart laying out skills you can expect to cover with your students, plus the differentiation, assessment, and standards information you need to create a complete and powerful schedule of lessons.

This is followed by a suggested calendar of teaching activities, including how to work in pre-reading, vocabulary building, close reading, skills activities, assessment, and learning extensions for every feature.

Together, the Pacing Guide and the Step-by-Step Lesson Plans that come with every issue are your go-to companions for teaching Storyworks with ease and joy!